Sunday, September 21, 2014


9/21: Nearly done with Talador questline, finished Taint of Erengard.

9/22: Little unfortunately due to homework. Read a little more of Taint of Evil
9/23: Finished 2 more Scourge profiles, other then that work/studied all day. WOD beta was down.
9/24: Read quartero f Brunner the Bounty Hunter, finished Darkfallen and Meat Wagon profiles for Scourge.
9/26: With luck, the Scourge units should be finished by tommorow.
9/21 Preview:
Egil Styrbjorn

Mobility: 4
Training/Experience: 8
Max Range: Melee
Preferred Range: Melee
Role: Tactical Commander
"I am Egil Styrbjorn, High Jarl of the Skaelings, slayer of souls and butchers of immortals. Hear my words! The blood of ten-thousand slaughtered enemies stains my blades. I have bested the nameless horrors of the northern wastes and have walked free to speak the tale. Alone, I speared a great wyrm of the underseas, battling it for a day and night before dragging it ashore and cutting its head from its neck. I have walked the smoking paths of the nightshades and have emerged unharmed. I have strangled Ice Trolls with my bare hands. I have run with the Ulfwerener, hunted with the Ymgir and feasted with the Bloodbeast. I have stood upon the Knife Peaks as the gods threw jagged bolts of lightning down upon me, and defeated one of the great dragon-kin wakened by the storm, cutting its still-beating heart from its chest. This and more have I done, I, Egil Styrbjorn of the Skaelings! Never have I asked for quarter from an enemy, and never have I offered it. Until now."
  Egil Strybjorn is the personification of the dualistic Norse traits of savagery and honor, a chieftain of Khorne who was as known for his skill on the front lines as he was leading from the back. He is a legend among both his people- one of the largest tribes in Norsca- and his enemies. Even before his ascension he was well-known for such feats as destroying a Dragon Ogre Shaggoth in single combat and killing a great serpent under the sea. For years he dominated the scene in Norsca, killing countless would-be challengers. 

In the events of Knight of the Realm he leads a invasion force of tens of thousands of Norscans to Brettonnia, seeking a cursed woman to give him a powerful daemon son for his legacy. His arrival heralded much bloodshed, for Strybjorn hates the weak gods of the South and their followers and desires nothing more to see them destroyed from this world. Multiple atrocities were committed, which resulted in the Brettons mustering 10,000 Knights and far more peasents to acquire vengeance. 

To the surprise and delight of the Brettonians, it appeared that the Skaeling chieftain had no knowledge of tactics, for he chose a flat battlefield where their main force of knights and mounted archers would have great benefit over the grounded Norse force which, with one to be mentioned exception, was nearly entirely bereft of ranged attack. Indeed the battle appeared to be initially a slaughter for the Brettonians, whose 10,000 strong knight force charged as one into the center of the horde, which was composed of mostly lightly armored marauders. 

Unfortunately for them Strybjorn took advantage of their arrogance, their belief that the "honourless Norsicans" would be too stupid to come up with a proper tactic. He placed heavy reserves of Chaos Warriors behind the center of his force to keep the charging knights occupied, while simultaneously moving  hidden flanking forces around both sides. Yet at the same time he ordered his Chaos Dwarf hellcannon to open fire into the massed knights, killing hundreds with every shot. 

The Norscans center, which had been composed of troops made to seem intentionally weak and disorganized from the front, held as the momentum of the Knights failed against the heavily armored wall of thousands of Chaos Warriors. Meanwhile Marauders assaulted the flanks and rear, entrapping the force as Strybjorn himself led a coup de grace into the Knights ranks; three heavily armored and massive 30 feet mammoths.
The result was the near total destruction of the Brettonian army, and a victory that pleased the Chaos Gods themselves. They blessed Strybjorn's attempt to gain a daemon son, and the resulting copulation would have been the end of it had not the Brettonians kidnapped his son and reluctant wife. 

Enraged Stryjborn assaulted their main castle, a keep of such incredible reputation that in the 1500 years its walls had never once been breached. Strybjorn burst it open in a week, taking grievous causalities even to his force but utilizing great cunning. After his Hellcannon was destroyed, Strybjorn noticed that the perpetrators traveled under the water via magical means, and that more importantly the ford they  traveled along with only 30 feet deep. Stryjborn ordered a general assault at the same time sending infiltrators up through the latrine chute to seize control of a vital tower to open a causeway. With this opened, the Norse cheiftan had his mammoths travel directly along the ford (for they were tall enough to put feet at the bottom and still be able to breathe at the top), surprising the Brettonians by emerging from the water to batter down their gates. Dragonships full of Beserkers prevented the defenders from effectively responding to the threat and with the gates destroyed the Brettonians were forced to retreat to the keep. 

Then his son was born, and such was the power of it that its birth caused everyone to briefly cringe in their very souls. All except Stryjborn, who was just happy to finally have a son. Sensing that the defenders would kill the babe out of spite if he assaulted the keep, the Norse chieftain proposed a duel with the Grail Knight Relous. If the Norse won, his son would be handed to him and they would leave. If the Grail Knight won then Stryjborn would be dead and the Norse would retreat anyway. 

This caused bewilderment and even anger among his followers, and Stryjborn first had to kill the most vocal of them, a Chaos Dwarf named Zummah, in a separate duel.  Then came the main event. The duel with the Grail Knight Relous was long and brutal, with the Brettonnian boasting superior speed and finesse while the Norscan had power and durability. Indeed the latter was actually disembowled and had his hand cut off in battle, but ultimately through sheer strength of will prevailed. Relous was disembowled and the babe reluctantly handed over. 

Stryjborn honored the agreement and left the Brettonians that day, but has vowed to return in the future, to bring final destruction to their people. 

Offensive: Garmr and Gormr: The twin hellforged battle-axes of the High Jarl of Strovengaard; ancient daemon weapons forged in the realms beyond flesh in honour of the bloody wolves said to accompany Khorne the Blood God on his wild hunts across the heavens, which drive the sun to cower and flee before the god's fury, creating the alternation of night and day in Norscan mythology. The axe heads are thus forged in the likeness of howling wolves, and are heavy with infernal power, possessing the captured essences of Bloodthirsters. Inset into their hafts are red stones the colour of blood, which serve as the eyes of the wolves. These gems burn with unholy power as the axes taste the blood of Styrbjorn's enemies, wailing and screaming with delight as they kill. The mighty weapons are capable of splitting fully armoured men in two from crown to sternum, and in Styrbjorn's hands can deliver truly mighty blows. He also has two throwing axes and when not dueling rides into battle on a Mammoth. 

Defensive: Chaos Armor and blessings. Is durable enough to survive disembowlment. 

===Additional Factors===
A vision by one of the main characters seems to imply that Styrbjorn is on the crusp of daemonhood. 


Adaptive Creativity: 80/100: Frequently displays creative solutions to his battles, whether it be encircling the Brettonians or having Mammoths travel underwater. 

Tactics: 77/100: Though often taking terrible causalities in his desire to win battles, he has won  every battle he is shown to have fought in the novel. And won using brilliant tactics too, like a Cannae style encirclement. 

Strategy: 61/100: Thanks to his limited vision his strategy is somewhat lacking, but he nevertheless composed a overall plan to lure huge Brettonian armies to a field of his choosing. 

Intuition: 52/100: Though adept at turning bad situations around, he nevertheless is often suprised at first by the actions of his enemy. 

Audacity: 87/100: Has no problem sending  large numbers of his men, even his daughters, to their deaths if it means he can achieve victory. Indeed the Norse religon believes there is much glory to be won in battle. The only thing he wasn't willing to risk is that of his son and legacy. 

Psychological Warfare: 66/100: Styrbjorn enjoys destroying enemy religious symbols, priests and elements of  culture, believing them all  worthy of only destruction. He also gruesomely kills those who don't fight. 

Experience: 70/100: 

Discipline: 65/100: Despite being one of Khorne's chosen, Strybjorn generally is pretty calm and does not blink to sending copius amounts of men to their glorious death, or for a upset to suddenly claim great causalities. 

Inspiration: 77/100: Revered by his troops as a warrior-king who leads by example. Thus far, his troops have never retreated except when ordered and gleefully fought to the death. 

Corruption: 82/100: Willing and eager to engage in countless atrocities to attract the god's attention, including indiscriminate butchery, rape, and defilement of women and children. However unlike most Norse he respects bravery and courage, and will give those who fight relatively quick deaths. He will also respect and honor a deal once commited to it. 


Mobility: 4-5
Training: 4-5 
Max Range: Bow
Preferred Range: Bow
Role: Burrowing Invaders, Anti-air
Nerubians are a race of spiders that were conquered by the Lich King shortly before he rose to try and conquer the world. Though a small portion of the race still survives to wage unending war against their greatest foe, now the vast majority of this race has been resurrected and serves the Lich King unquestionably. They exist in an odd sort of duality as both specialists and front-line troops.

Nerubians come in several different variants. There are swift  dwarf-sized flying types that dart from the skies to tear ground units with fang and claw. Spiderlings are smaller still, barely up to the knee but very fast and agile. They erupt from eggs and even the bodies of slain Nerubians to outnumber and rend apart enemies, sometimes armed with claws that excel in penetrating armor. However by far the most common variant is the Crypt Fiend.

This spider utilizes and summons swarms of fast eating locust-like insects for ranged combat, ordering them to return once the enemy is dead. They can also use their thoraxes to spin webs and shoot them out Spiderman style, entangling and immobilizing foes. If used against flying foes this sticky substance weighs them down and adheres to their wings, causing them to crash from the sky. They can then be set upon  and torn apart by the Scourge’s ground forces. In this way the Scourge has a counter to the powerful gyrocopters of the Alliance, many variants of the Red Dragonflight, and other flying creatures. Obviously this probably wouldn’t work on something massive, like the largest dragons or gunships, but it’s nevertheless a potent answer that the Scourge has to flyers. 
Offensive: Against ground foes the Crypt Fiend deploys swarms of fast eating insects(spiders, locusts, scarabs ect)  to swarm over the foe at range, and have claws and spiky legs for closer quarters. Sometimes these insects or attacks might carry poison with them. It also has the option to utilize webs at range, primarily as a anti-flying deterrent, to entangle, slow, immobilize(causing those flying to crash to the ground), even crush .   Rarely, one of them might know minor life stealing shadow spells or basic necromancy. The Flying and spiderling variants use claws and teeth.  
Defense: Hard, Iron-like Insectoid Chitin. In addition to natural durability for being undead. 

Nerubians are burrowers, and can both lie in ambush before erupting to kill or even create underground tunnels to dig under enemy defenses.  Note the Heroic variants of the Nerubians shall be detailed in another profile. 

Reading List:
Required Reading for Undead Legion vs. Scourge
-Undead Legion
--Rise of Nagash (3 books)
--Heldenhammer (Sigmar series)
--Von Carstein Series (3 books)
--Sigmar's Blood (both novel and campaign book)
--Return of Nagash (to be reread...which means done at a faster pace)
--Vampire Genieve
--Ulrika Series (2/3 done)
--Vampireslayer (reread)
--Zombieslayer (reread)
--Tomb of the Serphent Queen
--Blade of Chaos (reread Tomb King Scene)
--Gildead's Curse
--Curse of the Necrarch
--Blighted Empire
--Luthor Huss
--Liber Necris
--FFG books (2-3)
--Codexes (most already read, but will go over)
--Numerous Short stories
-Undead Scourge
--Arthas: Rise of the Lich King
--Blood of the Highborne
--Short Stories
-All Chaos Champion novels (6)
-Gildead's Blood
-Road of Skulls
-Knights of Brettonia (2)
-Sigmar Series (2)
-Broken Honour
-Tyrion and Teclis Series (3)
-Already mentioned Nagash Returns
-Heart of Chaos trilogy (3)
-Storm of Magic series (3)
-Wood Elf Trilogy (3)
-Defenders of Ulthuan (2)
-Swords of the Empire (2)
-Knights of the Blazing Sun
-Riders of the Dead
-Blackhearts omnibus (5)
-Guardians of the Forest
-Malus Darkblade Chronicles (5)
-The Corrupted
-Old War Beastiary
-Tome of Corruption (FFG)
-Liber Estacia, Carnagia, Mutatis, Infectus (4- FFG)
-Tamurkhan Campaign supplement
-Storm of Magic and Monsterous Arcanium (2)
-Liber Chaotica
-Witch Hunter's Guide
-Many, many codexes and Short stories

War of the Ancients (3)
Last Guardian
Tides of Darkness
Beyond the Black Portal
Day of the Dragon
Of Blood and Honor
Lord of the Clans
Arthas: Rise of the Lich King
Cycle of Hatred
Night of the Dragon
The Shattering
Thrall: Twilight of the Aspects
Tides of War
Voljin: Shadows of the Horde
Dawn of the Aspects
War Crimes
Numerous Short stories, manga, comics, and of course the utterly immense game.
Whats left for Chaos to read:
-Angelika Fleischer series (3)
-Brunner the Bounty Hunter (3)
-Konrad Series (3) 
-Stefan Kumanksy (3 - 1 done)
- Finish Mark of Chaos
-Mark of Damnation
-Mark of Heresy
-Mathias Thulman, Witch Hunter (3)
-Wine of Dreams
-Finish Death's Journey

Sunday, September 14, 2014

9/14 - 9/20

9/14: I have finished Death's City and am now most of the way through Death's Legacy (finishing Blood on the Reik series) and Mark of Chaos. Ordered two very rare Chaos books for dirt cheap on Amazon. The List of Chaos books I have yet to read is quickly shortening, and I may be able to finish all by the End Times: Archaon comes out. For those wondering I am treating the events revealed in novels, unless directly contradictory to the main storyline, as either canon or operating on a modified canon status. In the case of the latter this means the events of the novel still occurred in a similar fashion but with certain elements of Storm of Chaos not included. This seems to be the policy GW has taken with their popular Gotrek and Felix series, which in previous novels heavily referenced Storm of Chaos, and as well as events referenced in Return of Nagash, such as the death of the Slayer King's son that occurs in the regular Storm of Chaos. The Ending however is de-cannonized.

Also I have gotten the Warlords of Draenor beta and hope to completely play through it. Though I will still need to play the full game, this will aid my notetaking for the second time around.

Did some more of the WOD Beta and finished reading Death's Journey.

Did some more Beta and reading, but other then that was extremely busy today.

Busy week with work, but worked more on the intro, beta (though computer glitch hurts my ability to play beta) and read more.

Read a little more Star of Erengard, finished Shadowmoon Valley sequence of the beta. Apologies for those who want to see more Scourge, however this beta is allowing me to achieve Alliance info months ahead of when I would have otherwise and will thus greatly speed up my progress once the actual beta comes out.

9/20: Almost done with Star of Erengard, finished Gogrond Valley. 2/5 WOD zones done.

Reading List:
Required Reading for Undead Legion vs. Scourge
-Undead Legion
--Rise of Nagash (3 books)
--Heldenhammer (Sigmar series)
--Von Carstein Series (3 books)
--Sigmar's Blood (both novel and campaign book)
--Return of Nagash (to be reread...which means done at a faster pace)
--Vampire Genieve
--Ulrika Series (2/3 done)
--Vampireslayer (reread)
--Zombieslayer (reread)
--Tomb of the Serphent Queen
--Blade of Chaos (reread Tomb King Scene)
--Gildead's Curse
--Curse of the Necrarch
--Blighted Empire
--Luthor Huss
--Liber Necris
--FFG books (2-3)
--Codexes (most already read, but will go over)
--Numerous Short stories
-Undead Scourge
--Arthas: Rise of the Lich King
--Blood of the Highborne
--Short Stories
-All Chaos Champion novels (6)
-Gildead's Blood
-Road of Skulls
-Knights of Brettonia (2)
-Sigmar Series (2)
-Broken Honour
-Tyrion and Teclis Series (3)
-Already mentioned Nagash Returns
-Heart of Chaos trilogy (3)
-Storm of Magic series (3)
-Wood Elf Trilogy (3)
-Defenders of Ulthuan (2)
-Swords of the Empire (2)
-Knights of the Blazing Sun
-Riders of the Dead
-Blackhearts omnibus (5)
-Guardians of the Forest
-Malus Darkblade Chronicles (5)
-The Corrupted
-Old War Beastiary
-Tome of Corruption (FFG)
-Liber Estacia, Carnagia, Mutatis, Infectus (4- FFG)
-Tamurkhan Campaign supplement
-Storm of Magic and Monsterous Arcanium (2)
-Liber Chaotica
-Witch Hunter's Guide
-Many, many codexes and Short stories

War of the Ancients (3)
Last Guardian
Tides of Darkness
Beyond the Black Portal
Day of the Dragon
Of Blood and Honor
Lord of the Clans
Arthas: Rise of the Lich King
Cycle of Hatred
Night of the Dragon
The Shattering
Thrall: Twilight of the Aspects
Tides of War
Voljin: Shadows of the Horde
Dawn of the Aspects
War Crimes
Numerous Short stories, manga, comics, and of course the utterly immense game.
Whats left for Chaos to read:
-Angelika Fleischer series (3)
-Brunner the Bounty Hunter (3)
-Konrad Series (3) 
-Stefan Kumanksy (3)
- Finish Mark of Chaos
-Mark of Damnation
-Mark of Heresy
-Mathias Thulman, Witch Hunter (3)
-Wine of Dreams
-Finish Death's Journey

Frost Wyrm

Mobility: 7
Training: 6-7
Max Range: 300-500 meters
Preferred Range: ^^
In ages past dragons used to fly to Northrend to die.  As the area that  came to be known to Northrend was their original homeland, perhaps they wanted to see their homeland one last time before they died. Regardless when the Lich King came around he took advantage of these massive graveyards, at least some of which held up to ten thousand individuals, and used it as a source with which to raise dragons.
They have no memories of their previous lives nor of the world beyond death. They are intelligent beings, quite capable of strategy, tactics, and deception, but they have no understanding of their past dragon heritage. Frost wyrms have a cold-based breath weapon that can shatter entire buildings. They are also quite fond of devouring their hapless enemies whole. Ner’zhul’s vicious frost wyrms hold the frosts of Northrend within their skeletal hearts.
For the most part Frost Wyrms come from the Blue Dragon stock, as ages ago that stock was the one who received the greatest decimation. However other dragon stocks can be found, particularly of the Black Dragonflight, and come with their own separate powers. In large numbers Frost Wyrms are a truly dominating force, and against the Scarlet Crusade just a few of them effectively shut down all major ground resistance. 
Offensive: By inhaling a great deal of air, frost wyrms can expel blasts of freezing cold so extreme, that they pull all the moisture from the air around a building and freezes it solid. In other lesser blasts of the same type Frost Wyrms attack units, either freezing them solid and shattering them or else greatly slowing their movement. Some frost wyrms are skilled enough to fire single AOE “iceballs” that freeze units in a given area, or call down Blizzards which rain down ice-shards over a small area. Others have a inkning of shadow magic and thus can use drain life. Rare Ember/MagmaWyrms, reanimated Red or Black Dragonflight respectively, attack with fire or magmaballs respectively.  Dragon  wings are strong enough that at close range they can buffet enemies away with hurricane force winds.  Finally in CQC they have deadly claws, a tooth filled maw, and large bludgeoning tail.

Defense: Undead, so have undead traits about being able to live with certain parts of their body destroyed. Their size also gives them an innate durability advantage. Though Alliance/Horde/Argent Crusade have managed to kill these creatures with enough ease, it is often via heavy artillery like cannons or machine guns.

Though not every dragon in those graveyards have been reanimated, the Scourge nevertheless has a huge number of them available at disposal. A small outpost in Dragonblight for example had killed dozens (with specially designed weapons) over its few days of existence and did not put a dent into the horde. They appear throughout Northrend.

In Warhammer all magic comes from one source; the Winds of Chaos, which themselves come from the great Realm of Chaos. Just as it is with 40k and the Warp all spells and lores below should be considered subcategories of one single magical source.

Below are the many different lores available to the children of chaos. Some are general, such as the Lores of Death or the Wild; others very specific, such as that of Tzeentch or Hashtut. It should be noted that, unlike 40k magic spells, these do not always automatically bypass armor unless otherwise noted, and effectiveness will always be modified by that. However all magical attacks and conjurations are considered of magical prowess, capable of affecting immaterial ghosts and demons, and of a particularly higher plain of effect than the physically mundane.

All spells are listed in order from weakest and most basic to the strongest, which usually requires master wizards to successfully cast. Or in the case of a weaker more ambitiously impatient wizard, more magical power to be available. Just like Warhammer 40k, this list should not be taken as an all-inclusive nor exhaustive; there are literally tens of thousands of spells in Warhammer’s existence. As few are detailed a lot of new the magic of individual lores can be considered by archtype as they share standard rules and archtypes. For example the Lore of Slaanesh is all about temptation and mental willpower, while Tzeentch's relies on physical mutation and madness. 

Most Lores of Magic practiced by any race will have weak, but easily learned and well known spells known as ‘signature spells’. They are so common that practically every wizard learning the lore knows them. Other spells are more unique in taste and use, and it is unlikely and rare to find two wizards in the same army group to know the same spell.

Magic in Warhammer is low-inclusion but powerful. This means that most low-end spells in Warhammer can affect a half or a dozen at once, with medium power one’s going in affecting dozens and the rare (but not ultra-rare) high end affecting even hundreds at once! The specific numbers given below are their official stats in game, but the amount affected can be higher (or weaker) in lore.  However this comes at a cost, as magic in Warhammer is both harder to control then other fictions and there are comparably fewer mages. Even for battles where one side has many tens of thousands, it is rare to see more than a dozen mages in a force. Chaos may have slightly more mages proportionately then other WF factions, but even then I would have a hard time seeing a starting force of Chaos exceeding 100 magic users.

The increased strength and power of each spell makes it harder to cast, requiring a greater collection from the Winds of Magic pertaining to that particular lore for its use, though the more skilled a wizard is, the easier they can absorb and safely cast the spells. Personal stamina does factor into the amount these wizards can cast too, and they will find themselves increasingly drained the more they cast . Potent spells will exhaust them very quickly.

Warcraft Magic

Unlike most forms of fantasy, Warcraft divides its sources and uses of magic into several categories that are mostly all completely disconnected and unrelated to each other.

This means its effects and reactions to other forms of magic will create an inconsistent bend. So remember, these are NOT categories of flavors, types, or lores of the same form of magic.

As a rule magic in Warcraft is medium-inclusion, but diluted in power. That means that in Warcraft, magic users are while not common can be comfortably called “uncommon”. Even for the low numbers Warcraft generally uses you can clearly see dozens or more in each army, and in game magic users command a respectable presence. Expect a significant portion of the Alliance’s starting 50k to be magic users, perhaps as high as (author’s guess based on observation) 25-30% of that starting force and subsequent reinforcements.  Magically enhanced weapons, armor, items and artifacts, though not common, are nevertheless a feature to be seen on WC battlefields with some frequency.

However Warcraft magic is diluted, with most non-singular spells affecting a half to a dozen max.Powerful mages may well affect dozens at a time, with very, very rare examples of hundreds existing usually only in heroic, legendary characters. WC magic users can boost their potency slightly via trinkets, enhancement, “charging up” spells in lore or through power transfusion. “Charging up” refers to the process where the magic user conserves his or her power for a while, abstaining from casting, before unleashing a spell that might affect 2-3 times the number it would affect.
Power Transfusion refers to the process where a number of magic users channel their power into one, usually extremely experienced or skilled, magic user to greatly boost his power. In the War of the Ancients Trilogy these enhanced magic users could reliably hit dozens of foes at once. This ability however comes with many drawbacks, for the channeling wizards become exhausted very quickly and are all clumped together, making for a very tempting target. 

Sunday, September 7, 2014

Week of 7-13

--Finished Reading Knights of Brettonia, which gives more quotations regarding Mammoths, Chaos Men tenacity, the already incorporated Chaos Dwarves (shown in preview)  and gives them a new Khornate genius tactician. Going to try and finish Mark of Chaos next.
--Undead Scourge Profile Progress: Skelatons, Nerubians done. Vyrkul mostly done. Most of it done from memory, with internet only needed for specifications.

Started "Forged in Battle". Finished Abomination and Vyrkul profiles for Scourge

Almost finished "Forged in Battle". Cult of the Damned Scourge profile made up of necromancers and acolytes. Also included some Daemon sensory notes for that profile.

Finished Forged in Battle, almost done with Death's City.

Did not finish much last few days because I was sick. Today I finished new Chaos hero profile.
Reading List:
Required Reading for Undead Legion vs. Scourge
-Undead Legion
--Rise of Nagash (3 books)
--Heldenhammer (Sigmar series)
--Von Carstein Series (3 books)
--Sigmar's Blood (both novel and campaign book)
--Return of Nagash (to be reread...which means done at a faster pace)
--Vampire Genieve
--Ulrika Series (2/3 done)
--Vampireslayer (reread)
--Zombieslayer (reread)
--Tomb of the Serphent Queen
--Blade of Chaos (reread Tomb King Scene)
--Gildead's Curse
--Curse of the Necrarch
--Blighted Empire
--Luthor Huss
--Liber Necris
--FFG books (2-3)
--Codexes (most already read, but will go over)
--Numerous Short stories
-Undead Scourge
--Arthas: Rise of the Lich King
--Blood of the Highborne
--Short Stories

For those curious, this is the bibliography that has been read for Chaos vs. Alliance

-All Chaos Champion novels (6)
-Gildead's Blood
-Road of Skulls
-Knights of Brettonia (2)
-Sigmar Series (2)
-Broken Honour
-Tyrion and Teclis Series (3)
-Already mentioned Nagash Returns
-Heart of Chaos trilogy (3)
-Storm of Magic series (3)
-Wood Elf Trilogy (3)
-Defenders of Ulthuan (2)
-Swords of the Empire (2)
-Knights of the Blazing Sun
-Riders of the Dead
-Blackhearts omnibus (5)
-Guardians of the Forest
-Malus Darkblade Chronicles (5)
-The Corrupted
-Old War Beastiary
-Tome of Corruption (FFG)
-Liber Estacia, Carnagia, Mutatis, Infectus (4- FFG)
-Tamurkhan Campaign supplement
-Storm of Magic and Monsterous Arcanium (2)
-Liber Chaotica
-Witch Hunter's Guide
-Many, many codexes and Short stories

War of the Ancients (3)
Last Guardian
Tides of Darkness
Beyond the Black Portal
Day of the Dragon
Of Blood and Honor
Lord of the Clans
Arthas: Rise of the Lich King
Cycle of Hatred
Night of the Dragon
The Shattering
Thrall: Twilight of the Aspects
Tides of War
Voljin: Shadows of the Horde
Dawn of the Aspects
War Crimes
Numerous Short stories, manga, comics, and of course the utterly immense game.

I am going to try and do one preview at the end and at the beginning of every week. For this preview we have two of the single-most important units for each faction going head to head. Both are utterly pivotal in the scheme of their universes
9/7 Preview: 
Exalted Hero

Mobility: 4
Training/Experience: 7-9
Max Range: Melee
Preferred Range: Melee
Role: Champions, Combatents, Sometimes Leaders
“'Garagrim Ironfist, Prince of Karak Kadrin and War-Mourner of the Slayer Keep,' Garagrim growled, stalking towards his opponent.
'And I am Yan the Foul, Yan of the Khazags, Beast of the Steppes, Wolf of the Plains, Master of-' Yan began.
'I don't care,' Garagrim said, lunging.
His axes skidded off Yan's hastily interposed blades. Yan grunted and shoved the Slayer back. 'Master of the Red Lodge and Servant of the Eightfold Path,' Yan continued, eyes flashing. 'There. Now we're properly introduced. Time to die, little monkey.'- Road of Skulls

An Exalted Hero is a true champion of Chaos, a paragon of deadly ability and lethal intent. From the time of Sigmar and beyond these champions have sought their ascension to daemonhood, becoming the greatest mortal champions of Chaos to exist. While some become Lords of Chaos, other sorcerors, the vast majority roam the Chaos Wastes, seeking challengers from which to gain more glory. Often it is each other that they encounter and eagerly seek, for the destruction of such a worthy foe adds greatly to their resume.

They are the corrupted “adventurers” of Warhammer, traveling far and wide to kill, loot,plague, burn and defile. Each and every warrior has a story behind them, becoming legendary figures of tribal and even national legends. Off-hand battles, duels, treachery, corruption and more are frequently referenced when a Exalted Hero needs to cite their resume.  Many have traveled and fought for well over a hundred years, pitting themselves against the endless threats in the Chaos Realms.
For the vast majority of exalted heroes the end result of such a quest is either death or spawnhood, the latter a result of countless mutations heaped on them by uncaring gods. However even that does not deter these warriors, for they know tales of the most exceptional of warriors who did reach daemonhood.
“He had fought champions of the Changer, the Rot, the Lover and even the Breaker, wielding first a sword, then magics. He had broken open the Black Vaults of the dawi zharr and fended off their stone-footed sorcerer-kings in order to steal the Crystal of Crooked Ways, which he had spent a year and a day carving into the mask he now wore. He had made war on the Spellbreakers of the Shifting City and on the War-Judges of the Tahmaks, he had corrupted the monks of the White Lotus, and he had crushed the heart of Isadora Von Carstein on the steps of the Lost Cathedral in order to prevent the vampire from unravelling the Weaver's works. All of that had been done in the service of one goal... The death of his false friend, Garmr.”-Road of Skulls

When mustered for battle Exalted heroes take their place among the normal chattel, their very presence filling allies with inspiration and dread. When battle is joined with the enemy they can cleave through scores of lesser men before finally seeking out and challenging enemy champions. Each death brings them one step closer to transcendence.
Offensive: All sorts of swords, axes, great axes, halberds ect. Sometimes they might have magical weapons or chaos mutations. Example mutations might include a Chaos familiar that memorizes a spell on behalf of its owner, poisonous slime that affects anything he touches, acidic ichor in the manner of the xenomorphs from aliens, a flaming body that burns all those around them (miraculously, it does not burn them) , the ability to eat souls or just plain disfigurement, making them frightening to look at by ally or enemy. Also if a character sworn to one of the three magic using Chaos gods they might be extra alluring, have limited precognition, or be surrounded by Nurgle’s flies.

As for weapons they might bring weapons that induce sudden change, ignore armor, or set their souls on fire. Unfortunately the full complement of their weapons cannot be described, as many are wholly unique in that there is only one of them available.
Defensive:  Chaos Armor and sometimes shields. May take one of the above mutations or scaly, reptile like skin. Some rare armor too, like (example)  a Helmet that foresees all actions committed by a foe except the one destined to kill the user.

==Additional Factors==
Among the followers of Chaos, Exalted Heroes have risen to such a position that, when gods give out blessings, they are one of the most likely to get transformed into a daemon prince, though such a thing is still rare. They can take any mount listed in the mount section with the exception of those listed as exclusive for the Chaos Lord or those of the Chaos Dwarves. Exalted heroes will also have blessings of specific gods, whose details can be found elsewhere. A small handful of Exalted heroes might carry magical battle standards into combat.
Consider that the Chaos Warriors are the uncommon members of the Marauders who ascend to becoming a walking soldier dedicated to nothing but Chaos. The best of the Chaos Warriors become Chosen, small squads of elite warriors capable of breaking up lines through skill. The very best of those become Exalted Heroes, warriors that have legends associated with their name. And then a few of those become Sorcerers and Chaos Lords. This should tell you how common the Greatest of the Men of Chaos are, as well as Lords and Sorcerers (though Sorcerers DO draw from other sources besides these Exalted Heroes, the various magic users of individual tribes usually are lacking compared to the plate-armored Heroes in skill and magical aptitude).


Mobility: 3-5, 7-9 (Mounted)
Experience/training: 4-8
Mas Range: Sniper
Preferred: Varies
Role: Specialists, Anti-Hero groups, taskmasters, Commanders
Classes are the base overall group of individuals, warriors or whatever who have picked or been driven to a particular fighting style or magic or whatever. Some Shamans and Druids love interacting with nature, or recognize its strengths and the aid it could provide their fellow man. Warlocks are daemonologists, and the modern ones in the Alliance are scarred by previous invasions and want to fight fire with fire. Mages refers to a huge group of people who decide to study arcane magic for reasons. Illustrious scouts, assassins and pickpockets can be hired as rogues. 

Some of these are attached to armies, some to special enclaves, cities or bases and some to specific missions. These individuals are available to the Alliance by default, either drawn to war ,though not seeking it, or already attached to armies. 

However alongside this group is a special group of individuals that aren't satisfied with staying in one place and focusing on a certain task. They want to travel, they want to fight but on their own terms . They want to be famous, or rich, or be heroes or even just make a difference in the world. Some of them might have even very specific objectives from the getgo. These are the adventurers, and they, perhaps more than any other force, are the prime movers of the Warcraft universe. 

These unnamed were there in the First and Second and Third war, though always behind the scenes. They helped take down Illidan in the Burning Temple, foiled Kil’jaden and the Legion at the Sunwell, drove two Old Gods back to the Nether realm , killed Arthas on Icecrown, aided Thrall in the destruction of Deathwing, participated in the Siege of Ogrimmar  and much, much more. They participated in nearly every battle of the Horde-Alliance war, often performing vital but little seen roles. Indeed it was their constant conflict with each other that helped define the key battlegrounds such as Alterac Valley and Ashenvale. 

It is they that own (most) of the exotic mounts and a good portion of the mundane ones. They have a higher proportion of magically enchanted items, even greater than average experience and can be considered partisan mercenaries. They won't work against their own faction but are willing to work for neutrals, especially if said neutral works against the overall enemy. 

On the downside they are heavily freelance, and by default won't work in huge armies. They are either lone wolves or work together in small groups to enact their goals. This is shown in just about every story, novel, comic they are featured in, and differentiated from those attached to armies as a profession. 
However as Theramore showed, as the first preliminary (and failed) assault of Statholme showed they will group into armies if the cause is high enough or called to do so.  More over a few might even be assigned as leaders! Warlords of Draenor has adventurers, at the sanctioning of the king, forming garrisons, recruiting soldiers and establishing a full military presence in that war against the Iron Horde.  


Offensive: See Weapons and spells of the individual  11 classes. Note given their profession adventurers are far more likely to possess magical weapons and artifacts. They can duel on the ground or, as War Crimes showed, in the air. 
Though the very weakest examples of the adventurers might barely be a match a grunt or footman, the most powerful have travelled thousands of miles, fought in countless biomes and battled some of the fiercest foes their world has to offer. These are true one-man armies, able to take hordes of lesser foes by themselves or even powerful foes, like soloing dragons in War Crimes. 

Defensive: See Above, with again increased liklyhood of magical trinkets and armor. 
 Thanks to Warlords of Draenor Adventurers are commanders, and bring with them a lifetime of experience, potent enough that in totality it actually exceeds the breadth of the official Alliance military. Mounts, magical weapons, various profession equipment (including Outlandish tech) can all be considered common for this group. 

 (Alliance Adventurers cornering Nythanos Blightcaller, general of the Forsaken and the Banshee Queen's personal champion) 
9/13: Preview: 
Finished most of Scourge Units, read Death's City and More of Mark Of Chaos 

Plague Drone
Mobility: 7 (is a slow flyer)
Training/Experience: (Variable for Daemons)
Max Range: 50m
Preferred Range: Melee

A Plague Drone or rot fly is a horse-sized mutated Beast of Nurgle whose eyes have been awoke to reality; that no mortal actually likes its gifts. After being rejected and hit countless times the creature finally becomes fully malevolent, morphing in a cocoon into the flying Plague Drone. Whereas the Beast was one jovial and friendly the Drone is actively malevolent, seeking only to spread plague because it knows it hurts them.

High-ranking Plaguebearers ride these steeds into battle, loving their perch and faster speed then the palaguins. The Drone meanwhile, while acceptant of the plaguebeaers present, just wants to kill.

“As the Rot Flies fall upon their prey, blade-sharp legs sink into soft flesh and leathery wings buzz in a flapping purr of motion. Prehensile probosci and posterior mouth-parts latch onto the faces of their victims, and the Rot Flies let out titters of mean-spirited laughter as they pluck heads from necks and swallow them whole. When facing the unremarkable warriors of the mortal realm, a Rot Fly will slowly digest all meat from a skull before spitting out a plague-infused death’s head that its Plaguebearer rider can hurl at the foe. Given the chance, though, Rot Flies will hunt down the impertinent mortals that slew their previous incarnations.” These poor creatures are swallowed completely whole, to digest in their abdomens as torment.
Offensive: The Drone attacks with blade-legs, proboscises lined with plague and a venomous wasp-like sting. The Plaguebearer on top has a plague sword and can hurl a plague-infested skull at an opponent  that shatters to pieces upon impact.
Defensive: Its flying and like all of Nurgle’s minions is pretty durable innately. Also the Plague Drone has an insect-like carapace .

===Additional Factors===
This creature is a bit rare, as it usually takes millennia for Beasts of Nurgle to become some malevolent that they turn into this creature.

Mobility: 9
Training/Experience: (Variable for Daemons)
Max Range: Spell Range
Preferred Range: Spell
Screamers are glittering sky-sharks of Tzeentch’s forces who are sometimes corralled and sent into mortal combat. By themselves the sky sharks, like most but the top of Tzeentchs forces, have no intelligence of their own and are creatures of instinct. They normally spend their days prowling the Winds of Magic looking for souls to eat .

When in a mortal realm they herd in packs, attracted by the carnage and emotion offered by the battlefield below. When not under another’s control they behave like aerial sharks in a feeding frenzy, occasionally swooping down to tear throw armor and gobble the mortal below. This has been described as somewhat indiscriminate feeding, and it seems likely they might attack the minions of Chaos as well as those of its enemies. However they can be directed by savvy minions of Change such as its Lords and directed tactically. That said if the Tzeentch commander’s attention wanders  it will revert to its past mindless tendencies and might even attack their former controller for good measure.

So swift and agile are Screamers that they are highly sought-after as steeds, however their instinctive nature swiftly proves calamitous should their controller’s attention wander. As such, a Screamer has to be transmuted into a new form before it can safely be used as a mount. See “Discs of Tzeentch” profile for more.
Offensive:  It is a flying creature that mostly attacks with a lamprey-like mouth and slashing claws.
Defensive: Nothing other than having some minor reality warping defense as do all daemons of Tzeentch.
===Additional Factors===
This is another swarm creature, like the Flamer or Nurgling.

Burning Chariots of Tzeentch
Mobility: 8
Training/Experience: (Variable for Daemons)
Max Range: Spell Range
Preferred Range: Spell

Unlike the ground-based chariots of his fellow gods, Tzeentch’s are fully capable of flight and are more skirmisher based then melee . When they appear on the battlefield they suddenly burst from the heavens like a flying comet. Exalted flamers riding on top of this vessel hurls down magical flame , bolts of change or even spells down on the targets below.

These chariots are piloted by discs and screamers who ride the Winds of Magic and feed on its residue. Occasionally they will also have, in addition to the flamer, two surly Blue Horrors who ride these beasts to get away from the incessantly cheerful Pink Horror. While in general these passengers just jeer insults at foes below, they will nevertheless rain down peppering fire and bite , club or throttle those that get too close.

Offensive: The Exalted Flamer primarily can use two types of flame. That of the Pink Horror attacks a singular or a couple targets with great force, while that of the Blue Horror is akin to grapeshot. As Warpflame, this attack has a chance to do even greater damage over time or randomly heal the enemy. The Flamer has a staff in case enemies get close, while the Blue Horrors club or bite.
Defensive: Its main defense is that it’s a fast flying machine that can be rather difficult to hit.

===Additional Factors===

Can be used by Heralds as a mount (see “Chariots of the Gods).
Chaos Furies
Mobility: 4
Training/Experience: (Variable for Daemons)
Max Range: Melee
Preferred Range: Melee
‘I watched as the Furies picked over the corpse, squabbling in harsh
tongues as they argued over the juiciest morsels from the feast.'
Chaos Furies are the embodiment of pure Chaos. With little in the way of intelligence, Furies are utterly subservient to the whims of the D ark Gods, and shift in aspect and power as the balance of the dark pantheon alters. They are easily subjugated by other Daemons, whom they regard with a mix of dread and awe. However they are not always treated the same by daemonkind. Those of Tzeentch like to use them as messengers and spies for instance, while Khorne does not generally use them unless he has no other means left to kill.

Furies swarm at the edges of the battle, avoiding the thickest fighting if they can. This is because they are cowards by nature, deeply afraid of death and pain.  More often then not their victims are the wounded and disabled while on the battlefield, for Only when they are sure they can get a kill without much toil will they go for it; otherwise they might run away! However when these furies descend en masse they are described as “ a wailing mass from which there can be no escape”. Those who flee are chased by natural predators who will not cease so long as they are able to chase.
Offensive: The Chaos fury attacks with claws and dozens of needle-like teeth.

Defensive: Other then it can fly nothing, and the Fury is noted for being very weak for a daemon.   
===Additional Factors===
Chaos Furies never appear except in Swarms, and are thus used in that fashion.

Mobility: 7
Training/Experience: 1-3
Max Range: Melee
Preferred Range: Melee

From far away a harpy appears as a lithe, shapely women however close up its clear that any distant ideals of beuty are a lie. This creature has the same furred legs of a beastmen and a face described as twisted and leering, with needlesharp teeth. Harpies are instinctively cruel and malevolent, and thus those they catch are usually in for a load of torment before death.

Harpies aren't formally part of the Beastmen army and no commander can directly control them, though Bray-Shamans can being their wills to them and then, via proxy, to the beastlord. However normally hover just outside their camps, feeding on the remnants of their sacrifices and whatever other scraps they can find. Sometimes if they are lucky this might include something living.

When campaign begins swarms of harpies fly above and alongside the beastmen, their screeches and cries filling those that hear them with dread. At times their cry might change tune to alert the beastmen that they spotted something, thus serving as makeshift scouts. Opportunists and scavengers harpies generally won't attack the well-armed and ready. Instead they will by instinct target those too weak or wounded to defend themselves, which sometimes might mean those lightly armed artillerymen to the rear. If there is a large enough swarm of them though they might get bold and try to overwhelm more formidable enemies on the ground.

If directed via bray-shaman control they can be used more tactically. In Bretonnia they were utilized to assail and carry off numerous sentries from a high sanctuary. Another instance saw them sent after enemy artillery, slaying those who were far away from protection.

Offensive: They are armed with claws sharp and strong enough to rip unarmored humans limb from limb in a few moments, especially when working together

Defensive: Nothing
==Additional Factors==
Harpies summoned during a Storm of Magic, or when the Chaos moon is at its greatest point, are much more formidable then normally. Their claws can tinge with chaotic wildfire, be exceptionally venomous or sharp. They are also far bolder and more daring in combat.


Chaos/Toad Dragon:
Mobility: 8 (Toad Dragon: 6)
Training/Experience: 7
Max Range: Several dozen yards
Preferred Range: Melee

Long ago when Chaos first emerged on the planet the dragons were among the many races that stepped forward to oppose them. Most were cut down, however a few were given far more hideous fates, courtesy of the Tzeentchi forces. Theses forces would either possess the dragons with daemons, thus waging war over the body, or driving them so mutated that they became insane.  

The Chaos Dragon is wicked and fickle, every bit as malovelent as their Tzeentchi benefactors. Yet as typical of the ways of Tzeentch, niether is exactly the same, and possess various different mutations like translucent organs or mouths coming out of various parts of the body. There is a disctintion between regular Chaos Dragons and Emperor Class sized- the latter is bigger and far rarer. Assuming Galgruich as a template, the Emperor class dragon might reach 30 feet high.

Toad Dragons are not strictly Chaos creatures, but have been seen utilized in Nurglite armies. Unlike other dragons these are wingless and thus unable to fly, and are almost mindless, in contrast to the full sentience of the Chaos Dragon. However they are extremely durable in the manner of the Nurglites it is seen serving.
Offensive:  Chaos Dragons have two different form of breathe attacks. The first head emits corrosive gas while the second exhales the dark flame of Chaos. Then of course it also has teeth and claws.
The Toad Dragon’s breathe is utterly toxic and capable of melting flesh off bones and filling lungs with pus. It also uses its poisonous froglike tongue and claws.
Defensive: Both are very durable and covered in thick, plate like scales. Both are monstorously large (though Toad Dragon is larger) to require substained artillery fire or magic to reliably kill, or else incredible luck.


The Chaos Dragon can fly, the Toad Dragon cannot. Both variants can be considered incredibly rare , with the highest number of Chaos Dragons yet seen on one battlefield being three. There were unlikely to be more then a dozen in the Storm of Chaos campaign, and for this you may assume a max number of a couple dozen.

Flying Mounts
This page is a listing of those elite mounts available to the armies of Chaos that don’t have individual unit profiles. For example those like the Tuskagor or Razorgor shall be described in their accompanying chariot profiles . In general the units here can be considered rare, limited either to Storm of Magic summons or as mounts to the Lords of the Legions of Chaos. In addition to those seen here, a few Chaos Lords might ride Skullcrushers, Steeds of Slaanesh or Chaos Dragons described in their own profiles.
-Discs of Tzeentch
Discs of Tzeentch are screamers (see said profile) bound and transmuted into an easily mountable form. In accordance with Tzeentch’s traits they are often refashioned into a thousand different combinations, including those discs with a hundred eyes, made of living metal ect. However all of these discs are capable of flying via riding the currents of the Winds of Magic. Serving as mounts for mortal Tzeentch Chaos sorcerers or daemonic servents, these discs are capable of defending themselves with magical fire, lashing tentacles , a lamprey-like mouth or rending claws.  

A manticore is an extremely vicious and rare beast found in the Chaos Wastes that is so hostile that even Chaos Lords, the only ones who can ride this creature, have trouble doing so- and this is after magical binding and ritual.  So aggressive is it that it will throw itself blindly against whatever encroaches upon its territory, even if the offender is a massive and much more formidable Emperor Dragon! Surprisingly the winner, except in cases of perhaps the most formidable dragons, is usually the manticore.

In battle Manticores attack with rage beyond any mortal capacity, being all akin to the rage-possessed of 28 days later (without the ability to spread the virus) . It can attack with a long, lash-like and venomous tail, rending claws and powerful fangs. Its skin, hard as steel, shows how difficult this beast can be to kill. However if its rider (or someone who is controlling it via Scrolls of Binding) is killed then it will revert entirely to a frenzied state, attacking both sides with equal fury!
-Great and Bale Taurus
The Tauruses have become a holy symbol among the Chaos Dwarves, for that is what form they view their god takes. These are truly vicious creatures, the terrors of the Dark Lands. In form no two Taurus are ever quite alike, and the mightiest of them are truly massive beasts that never die except by violence, named as Bale Taurus in dark
legend. All bear the overall semblance of a huge, winged, daemonic bull whose flesh burns with the intensity of a living furnace sufficient to wreath it in smoke and spark the ground afire beneath its hooves and against which arrow and blade alike perishes to cinders and ruin.

None but the highest servants of Hashut and the most powerful of fire-wizards can hope to master these hellish monsters, and the infernal stables of the crimson and bronze Taurus beneath the great temple of Zharr-Naggrund are heated by sacrificial fires kept burning night and day to appease the sacred beasts kept there.Indeed, it is only by means of the most complex and dangerous spells that a Chaos Dwarf Sorcerer can even mount such a dangerous creature without themselves succumbing to their incinerating heat and voracious appetites.
Powerful Chaos Dwarfs ride Great Tauruses into battle, the creature burns with a terrific intensity, so that its whole body is wreathed in fire and smoke. When it moves across the ground sparks fly From its hooves and lightning plays about its feet. It breathes fire in great snorting bursts and black smoke curls from its gaping maw. The Chaos Dwarfs believe that the Great Tauruses were once Chaos Dwarfs, and that they were mutated by the warping power of Chaos into living bull-furnaces like the statue of the god Hashut himself. For that reason The Chaos Dwarfs sometimes call the Great Tauruses the Red Bulls of Hashut.
In combat the Great Taurus utilizes its own flame breath, hooves, and burning body that immolates any that stray too close.  It cannot be hurt by fire at all, and indeed if a fire spell hits it the Great Taurus will use that energy to heal. The Bale Taurus might have the flame breathe, hooves, a powerful eviscerating tail,  or ossified skin as hard as plate armor. Both can fly.
The only versions of Tauruses that appear on the battlefield shall be ridden by a Chaos Dwarf lord or rarely summoned and bound during a Storm of Magic.
“The Lammasu has the body of a gigantic bull, a powerful mace-tipped tail, borne on vast leathery wings, with lion-like claws instead of hooves and the face of a huge Chaos Dwarf, cloaked in smoke and shadow. The Chaos Dwarfs believe that the Lammasu is a rare mutation of the Great Taurus, a creature whose forebears were once Chaos Dwarfs, but which has become twisted by the powers of Chaos into a huge bull-shaped monster. The Lammasu's ancestry is evident in its tusked head, its thickly curled beard, and its considerable intelligence. It is a creature with magical properties. It breathes not ordinary air but the power of magic itself, drawing into itself the power of the winds of magic. As it exhales the creature breathes out whirling clouds of black sorcery which wreathe themselves around the Lammasu, enwrapping it with protective power.
The Lammasu is a wise and crafty beast that makes its lair in the Dark Lands. The Chaos Dwarfs believe it to be a rare mutation of Great Taurus, one that is not only acclimated to magic, but that also lives and breathes the very stuff of sorcery. Indeed, the Lammasu possesses a minor, but potent, spellcasting ability, the backwash of which manifests as sorcerous black clouds that curl about the beast every time it breathes. This magical exhalation protects the Lammasu from hostile spells. Furthermore, enemies fighting Lammasu in melee often find the smoky threads of sorcery befouling their magic weapons, dampening, their power and preventing them from striking the beast to full effect.”

As the description noted this creature is nearly entirely immune to enemy spells and is a minor spellcaster in its own right, able to use some spells from the Lore of Fire, Death and Shadow. In close combat it can breathe pure deadly magic and attack with hooves, horns and even sometimes a spiked tail. These are the rarest of the rare, and only the greatest of the great Chaos Dwarf Lords will ride one.


The Alliance air force is a major component of their armies, meriting its own ranking system for officers, and has thus far in conflicts played a major role in their various successes. Their air power is centered in a mixture of both organic and mechanical units headed by the massive aerial gunship featured in Shock and Awe. The air force is led by Sky Admiral Rogers (see Heroes) who favors heavy, merciless bombing in shock and awe campaigns. It should be noted that the Alliance equips its pilots  parachutes, so those shot down are not guaranteed to die.

To date there does not seem to be a foe where the Alliance has not achieved a degree of aerial superiority against. Even against its arch-rivals the Horde the Alliance utterly dominated the air over Kasarang Wilds, both over its own base and over the Horde’s. Not even the hordes of Scourge dragons could prove a deterrent to the Alliance in this arena.

Mobility: 9
Training/Experience: 5-6 (lifelong) 
Max Range: Thrown Hammer
Preferred Range: ^^ see above

Long has the mighty Gryphon been a symbol of the Wildhammer Dwarves, and almost as long has it been used as a flying mount for war. So renowned in the beast that it is often used as a symbol for the Alliance. The Gryphon Riders more than once proved their worth during the Second and Third Wars, being used to great effect against both ground and the dragons employed by the Horde and Scourge. 

As already discussed the Gryphon itself is mighty animal, easily a match for a smaller dragon and fast and cunning enough to give a large one a fight. On its back is a hardy dwarf rider, armed with Stormhammer and a eager, slightly reckless disposition.

In battle the Gryphon Rider is going to have four uses based on the books. The first is scouting, though there are other air units better at that. The second is destruction of small groups of enemy scouts, agents, or cut off army units, particularly those without the means to fight off air units! The third is tactically taking out certain problematic ground units or pelting tightly packed infantry formations. For example in the battle for Quel’Thalas towering Ogre Mages proved to be a problem for ground troops, so gryphon riders rode in to take them out. The Fourth if combating enemy air units in order to ensure air superiority, like the Red Dragons in the Second War.
In Outland the Wildhammer dwarves launched many bombing runs on the backs of their gyrphons, destroying Fel Orc towers, Burning Legion teleporters and even devastating troop formations. However they weren’t too far off the ground while bombing , and a reason for the Fel Reaver’s creation was to counter this problem by building a machine large enough to reach up and grab a gryphon.

“Wildhammers, attack!”Kurdran Wildhammer stood in his saddle and hurled his stormhammer, catching the nearest dragon rider in the chest. The surprised orc did not have time to react but toppled from his own saddle, his chest crushed, both weapon and reins falling from lifeless hands as his body disappeared beneath the waves. His dragon roared in surprise and rage, audible even over the fading thunderclap, but the sound turned to squeals of pain as Sky’ree’s sharp claws cut deep into the dragons’ flank, slicing neatly through scales and drawing dark blood. Iomhar was beside him, and his own gryphon tore a large chunk from the dragon’s left wing with beak and claws, causing the dragon to list dramatically. Than Farand came in on the far side, throwing his own hammer, which struck the dragon a resounding blow to the head. Its eyes lost focus and it fell, sending up a huge wave as it struck the water. It did not resurface.”

—Tides of Darkness, page 105

Stormhammer: These unique, magically enhanced hammers are hurled against an aerial or land foe by the Dwarven Gryphon Rider. A Stormhammer, when thrown, strikes with the fury of lightning and the force of thunder. So powerful enough is it that it was used as a means to counter Dragons in aerial combat. The Stormhammer seems to be linked to the wielders command, for immediately after striking a foe the immensely durable hammer will return to its master’s hand, allowing for another swing. Against man-sized targets it does some damage to targets surrounding the main target, knocking them off their feat at least. If used on a tightly packed squad of fighters (12 was the example in Beyond the Dark Portal) it has the potential to kill them all at once. It can shatter stone and iron with ease, and even if it doesn’t penetrate enemy armor the concussion damage could still prove deadly. 


Sometimes the Dwarfs are known to carry great Double Edged battleaxes for up close fighting, as the stormhammer’s shockwaves make it unsuited to hitting a enemy directly with it. The Gryphon itself is always a weapon, armed with sharp talons and a deadly beak.Sometimes they might be given bags of bombs to drop on the enemy too.

Defenses: The Rider and Gryphon wear leather armor. Some may be made out of dragon hide, courtesy of the Dragons they slew!


Hippogryphs Riders:
Mobility: 9
Training: 5-6
Max Range: Bow
Preferred Range: Bow

The friendship between Hippogryphs and Night Elf has existed for millennia, ever since the Bird Demigoddess Aviana lent them to aid the heroes of the War of the Ancients. Their training is lifelong and the noble Hippogryphs form bonds with the Night Elves that becomes instinctual, reacting without flinching and without verbal command most of the time to the needs of the other.

On top of these mighty birds ride skilled archers trained to fire both on the move, at full speed, and at moving enemy aerial units. As a Night Elf Archer alone can only do so much damage to the army below she and her Hippogryphs, with its nasty claws and beak, are better suited to scouting, providing messengers when magical means is not available (something the Gryphon can do as well)and attacking enemy air forces. In this role they will be delegated to air superiority.

Should all aerial targets be driven off or taken care of the Night Elf archer will fire into the Hordes of enemy below, sometimes swooping down with her Hippogryphs to take out isolated and important units.They might also be equipped with bags of bombs to further drop on their foes. HippogryphAPG
Mobility: 9
Training/Experience: 5
Max Range: Cannon 
Preferred Range: Cannon

The Gyrocopter emerged in the Third War as a key component of both the Dwarven Air force and overall Alliance force. The Dwarven Flying Machine is a improved variant of the previous Gyrocopter, which itself was a improvement on the earlier Gnomish device. The difference is in the wings, with the flying machine possessing some fixed wings and the gyro-copter being a primitive helicopter. However they are sometimes used synonymous in game so I can include them both here.

In general these vessels have three uses. One is quick reconnaissance, scouting across terrain quickly before heading back. The second is to clear the skies in a bid to try to ensure aerial superiority with their rapid fire cannons or machineguns. The third is strafing or bombing runs, depending on how the vessel is equipped. The Dwarves and Gnomes generally maintain air bases to hold these and the biplanes, however unlike the bi-plane this vessel can handle landing on somewhat rough terrain. The design these aircraft were based around can move roughly 80 mph.

At least some aircraft is shown to have rudimentary computer intelligence, flying and engaging in evasive maneuvers on its own without pilot direction. In the opening mission of Skyfire this onboard computer intelligence could be programmed for an attack run, automatically performing said maneuvers while the pilot only had to concentrate on firing.  In addition they possess gnomish radios (“gnomecorders”) or mystical Night Elven devices with the same effect.

Offense: Rapid Fire Flak cannons or Machine Guns capable of firing deadly shredder rounds. Some versions seem to have rocket launchers for ground or air. Others carry bombs, either explosive or fire, to bombard enemy positions below. True sight is an optional upgrade that allows for the vessel to see hidden units. They can carry a rocket battery that is strong enough to destroy a Goblin battle walker in a single barrage at short range. A squad of them is sufficient to take down a Horde Gunship .

Defenses: It has thicker armor than the bi-plane and can withstand more anti-air attacks, however not too much more known about it. At least one variant has light, temporary shielding.


Mobility: 8
Training/Experience: 4-5
Max Range: Cannon
Preferred Range: Cannon/bomb
While the Dwarves were developing their own flying machines, the gnomes simultaneously introduced a new model of static wing flying machine, the gnomish bomber (likely based on the earlier single-winged gnomish sky-engines used during the Second War). Produced in significant quantities and distributed to many gnomish and dwarven fortresses, the production of this craft was interrupted by the fall of Gnomeregan to the troggs. This device would have been added to the Alliance military force sometime during the third war, hadn’t the troggs invaded Gnomeregan and caused the Gnomes to withhold their military and air force. Many were left in their hangars when the gnomes evacuated the city.

The overall design is the same and both bomber and fighter seem to carry much of the same traits making division tough. The Fighter is of course going to be used to target enemy air units or vessels, and in lore was used to take down the Giant floating citadel that the Lich King attacked Stormwind with. Failing that strafing runs can be used to pepper the ground forces in the same way of World War 1 planes. Bombers are self-explanatory. Signals by ground forces such as flares can be used to identify bombing targets. Though admittedly speculation, based on their similarity to World War one planes Gnomish Fighters/bombers might have a speed anywhere between 80-150 mph.

The same technology that the gyrocopter has (rudimentary AI, Gnomecorders) the Gnomish craft also possess. In order to house these craft it is often a prompt and immediate objective to construct airbases . These will be constructed on any flat and safe ground to be found, and done so quickly in days or weeks. In one extraordinary case Gnomes built a cloaked airbase directly on top of a Scourge tower in the middle of Icecrown citade!l Gnomish airplanes and other mech craft contain microfilm so commanders can view footage of the battle after the fact. Standing orders also demand the pilot, if able, to burn all downed craft to prevent the enemy from potentially taking it apart and discovering its secrets.

LOADOUT: Fighters are equipped with fully-automated machineguns or possibly flak cannons; the Bombers have Bombs (obviously) Some variants are fighter-bombers, which means they have both!

For defense the elite variants in Icecrown used “infra-green “ technology to provide these vessels with energy shielding 

Misc Air Units:

The Chimerai have been known to fight alongside the Alliance on their own accord, thanks to being the Night Elven ancestral allies . These can be seen in the Hunter’s Pets section.  Then there are numerous rare mounts belonging either to adventurers or rare sub-factions like giant robots, eagles, netherwing dragons, nether rays and more. Finally those Blue Dragons Kalec convinces to fight too belong here.



Role: Aerial weapon of Mass Destruction
Max Range: A few thousand meters
Preferred Range: See Above
At 70 meters in length, the Gunship is the pinnacle of the Alliance Air Force. it is a flying fortress built not only to serve as a mobile command center but to provide for massive aerial superiority and bombardment. With 2-3 floors worth of cannons, 2 turrets, a crew that includes mortar-teams and mages, as well as a marine squad for boarding actions, the Gunship is built to handle anything. As Tides of War show us even Dragons can be felled by these massive Aerial Fortresses. In their storage compartment is a massive bomb that could take out whole scores of troops, though it has not actually been shown dropped.

 The speed of these things is said to be extremely impressive, and indeed the Horde equivalent can travel a whopping 300 knotts (345 mph). This is the speed of a many World War planes, but is highly impressive for a armored Fantasy aircraft carrier to run those speeds. Though the Alliance variant may be slower then the Horde variant in the battle against Deathwing this vessel traveled to Northrend from Maelstorm and back in the course of it, showing great speed.
The uses of this titan are many, and indeed its extremely versatile in application. As stated it can serve as a mobile aircraft carrier and supply point, and in the battle of Kasarang Wilds this vessel alone was enough of a base to achieve air dominance throughout the entire campaign, even directly over the Horde’s base. It can serve as a dropship, deploying supplies, troops and even siege tanks from its decks.  Heavy bombardment is a natural role thanks to its armament and the vessel is fast enough to serve as a potent method of raiding. Finally it is a natural choice as a command post, thanks to the safety it provides leadership and its high viewpoint over the battlefield.
The Gunship is going to be armed with up to 12 cannons on each side and that is not including the suppression turrets that can be mounted up top, which can be armed with either Suppression Charges to obscure the vision of other ranged weapons, regular explosives, or Incineration Blasts, which launches massive balls of fire at foes. These cannons seem to be the game equivalent of the real world 12-pounders. Such weapons typically have a max range of around 1500 meters which might be even greater here given their elevated position. Finally there are two different pairs of Battery Guns at the head of the ship that can fire faster and potentially stronger shots. Optional Harpoon Guns can be mounted up top for enemy air.

This vessel can deploy paratroopers from its deck. In the event of boarding it has contingents of marines available to fend off the attempt, plus crew, commanders and whatever else is on board (such as adventurers).


Mana Bomb (1 each):
“Jaina observed with a strange detachment the odd things that the mana bomb had strewn about. Over here was a hairbrush; over there, a severed hand. Near the edge of the crater fluttered leaves from a book. Automatically she reached to pick them up. One of them had been altered at so fundamental a level by the bomb that it crumbled to pieces as she touched it. By the armory, a soldier lay in a puddle of red blood… three paces away, another soldier floated at Jaina’s eye level, globules of frozen purple liquid drifting upward from a rent in his armor. Her foot stepped on something soft and she jumped back quickly, peering down. It was a rat, its body glowing violet. A piece of perfectly normal cheese was still gripped in its mouth. Kalec’s warning that no one could have survived the blast echoed in her mind. Not even the rats, it would seem.”
— Jaina Proudmoore, Tides of War

Though the Mana bomb of the Alliance vessel would be a lot smaller than the one used on Theramore, it would still decimate whatever portion of the army it was dropped on.

DEFENSES: Other than its massive size these gunships do seem to have a certain number of magical defenses as in Jaina Proudmoore: Tides of War not even the magical prowess of the Aspect of Magic could down the vessel. In addition to their impressive durability, gunships have shield mages located throughout the vessel that in battle can power up a powerful magical shield around the entire vessel. These shields were able to smack down the massive cannon projectiles of the Horde (whose cannons were as big as small houses) though it could be overwhelmed eventually with enough shots.  Does not protect against boarding, which is what the marines are for.

Special: Transport Ships

Tiny Transport ships are stored on this ship that can carry small squads. They seem to be armed with a cannon though it is likely they will need covering fire from a gunship to safely get anywhere.

These Ships can serve as carrier craft for other Alliance aircraft, capable of holding up to thirty fixed wing or gyrocopter-like craft at once. Their role varies from direct heavy bombardment support to transport to being a giant mobile command center.

Alliance gunships are very rare, and at first will only number 3, which is the biggest number ever shown in campaign. With weeks and months of effort they might build more individually, but they will ever be a rare and prized vessel.