Also I have gotten the Warlords of Draenor beta and hope to completely play through it. Though I will still need to play the full game, this will aid my notetaking for the second time around.
Did some more of the WOD Beta and finished reading Death's Journey.
Did some more Beta and reading, but other then that was extremely busy today.
Busy week with work, but worked more on the intro, beta (though computer glitch hurts my ability to play beta) and read more.
Read a little more Star of Erengard, finished Shadowmoon Valley sequence of the beta. Apologies for those who want to see more Scourge, however this beta is allowing me to achieve Alliance info months ahead of when I would have otherwise and will thus greatly speed up my progress once the actual beta comes out.
9/20: Almost done with Star of Erengard, finished Gogrond Valley. 2/5 WOD zones done.
Reading List:
Required Reading for Undead Legion vs. Scourge
-Undead Legion
--Rise of Nagash (3 books)
--Heldenhammer (Sigmar series)
--Von Carstein Series (3 books)
--Sigmar's Blood (both novel and campaign book)
--Return of Nagash (to be reread...which means done at a faster pace)
--Vampire Genieve
--Ulrika Series (2/3 done)
--Vampireslayer (reread)
--Zombieslayer (reread)
--Tomb of the Serphent Queen
--Blade of Chaos (reread Tomb King Scene)
--Gildead's Curse
--Curse of the Necrarch
--Blighted Empire
--Luthor Huss
--Liber Necris
--FFG books (2-3)
--Codexes (most already read, but will go over)
--Numerous Short stories
-Undead Scourge
--Arthas: Rise of the Lich King
--Blood of the Highborne
--Short Stories
-All Chaos Champion novels (6)
-Gildead's Blood
-Road of Skulls
-Knights of Brettonia (2)
-Sigmar Series (2)
-Broken Honour
-Tyrion and Teclis Series (3)
-Already mentioned Nagash Returns
-Heart of Chaos trilogy (3)
-Storm of Magic series (3)
-Wood Elf Trilogy (3)
-Defenders of Ulthuan (2)
-Swords of the Empire (2)
-Knights of the Blazing Sun
-Riders of the Dead
-Blackhearts omnibus (5)
-Guardians of the Forest
-Malus Darkblade Chronicles (5)
-The Corrupted
-Old War Beastiary
-Tome of Corruption (FFG)
-Liber Estacia, Carnagia, Mutatis, Infectus (4- FFG)
-Tamurkhan Campaign supplement
-Storm of Magic and Monsterous Arcanium (2)
-Liber Chaotica
-Witch Hunter's Guide
-Many, many codexes and Short stories
War of the Ancients (3)
Last Guardian
Tides of Darkness
Beyond the Black Portal
Day of the Dragon
Of Blood and Honor
Lord of the Clans
Arthas: Rise of the Lich King
Cycle of Hatred
Night of the Dragon
The Shattering
Thrall: Twilight of the Aspects
Tides of War
Voljin: Shadows of the Horde
Dawn of the Aspects
War Crimes
Numerous Short stories, manga, comics, and of course the utterly immense game.
-All Chaos Champion novels (6)
-Gildead's Blood
-Road of Skulls
-Knights of Brettonia (2)
-Sigmar Series (2)
-Broken Honour
-Tyrion and Teclis Series (3)
-Already mentioned Nagash Returns
-Heart of Chaos trilogy (3)
-Storm of Magic series (3)
-Wood Elf Trilogy (3)
-Defenders of Ulthuan (2)
-Swords of the Empire (2)
-Knights of the Blazing Sun
-Riders of the Dead
-Blackhearts omnibus (5)
-Guardians of the Forest
-Malus Darkblade Chronicles (5)
-The Corrupted
-Old War Beastiary
-Tome of Corruption (FFG)
-Liber Estacia, Carnagia, Mutatis, Infectus (4- FFG)
-Tamurkhan Campaign supplement
-Storm of Magic and Monsterous Arcanium (2)
-Liber Chaotica
-Witch Hunter's Guide
-Many, many codexes and Short stories
War of the Ancients (3)
Last Guardian
Tides of Darkness
Beyond the Black Portal
Day of the Dragon
Of Blood and Honor
Lord of the Clans
Arthas: Rise of the Lich King
Cycle of Hatred
Night of the Dragon
The Shattering
Thrall: Twilight of the Aspects
Tides of War
Voljin: Shadows of the Horde
Dawn of the Aspects
War Crimes
Numerous Short stories, manga, comics, and of course the utterly immense game.
Whats left for Chaos to read:
-Angelika Fleischer series (3)
-Brunner the Bounty Hunter (3)
-Konrad Series (3)
-Stefan Kumanksy (3)
- Finish Mark of Chaos
-Mark of Damnation
-Mark of Heresy
-Mathias Thulman, Witch Hunter (3)
-Wine of Dreams
Frost Wyrm
Mobility: 7
Training: 6-7
Max Range: 300-500
Preferred Range: ^^
In ages past dragons used to fly to Northrend to die. As the area that came to be known to Northrend was their
original homeland, perhaps they wanted to see their homeland one last time
before they died. Regardless when the Lich King came around he took advantage
of these massive graveyards, at least some of which held up to ten thousand
individuals, and used it as a source with which to raise dragons.
They have no memories of their previous lives nor of the
world beyond death. They are intelligent beings, quite capable of strategy,
tactics, and deception, but they have no understanding of their past dragon
heritage. Frost wyrms have a cold-based breath weapon that can shatter
entire buildings. They are also quite fond of devouring their hapless enemies
whole. Ner’zhul’s vicious frost wyrms hold the frosts of Northrend within their
skeletal hearts.
For the most part Frost Wyrms come from the Blue Dragon
stock, as ages ago that stock was the one who received the greatest decimation.
However other dragon stocks can be found, particularly of the Black
Dragonflight, and come with their own separate powers. In large numbers Frost
Wyrms are a truly dominating force, and against the Scarlet Crusade just a few
of them effectively shut down all major ground resistance.
Offensive: By
inhaling a great deal of air, frost wyrms can expel blasts of freezing cold so
extreme, that they pull all the moisture from the air around a building and
freezes it solid. In other lesser blasts of the same type Frost Wyrms attack
units, either freezing them solid and shattering them or else greatly slowing
their movement. Some frost wyrms are skilled enough to fire single AOE
“iceballs” that freeze units in a given area, or call down Blizzards which rain
down ice-shards over a small area. Others have a inkning of shadow magic and
thus can use drain life. Rare Ember/MagmaWyrms, reanimated Red or Black
Dragonflight respectively, attack with fire or magmaballs respectively. Dragon wings are strong enough that at close range
they can buffet enemies away with hurricane force winds. Finally in CQC they have deadly claws, a
tooth filled maw, and large bludgeoning tail.
Defense: Undead,
so have undead traits about being able to live with certain parts of their body
destroyed. Their size also gives them an innate durability advantage. Though
Alliance/Horde/Argent Crusade have managed to kill these creatures with enough
ease, it is often via heavy artillery like cannons or machine guns.
Though not every dragon in those graveyards have been
reanimated, the Scourge nevertheless has a huge number of them available at
disposal. A small outpost in Dragonblight for example had killed dozens (with
specially designed weapons) over its few days of existence and did not put a
dent into the horde. They appear throughout Northrend.
In Warhammer all magic
comes from one source; the Winds of Chaos, which themselves come from the great
Realm of Chaos. Just as it is with 40k and the Warp all spells and lores below
should be considered subcategories of one single magical source.
Below are the many
different lores available to the children of chaos. Some are general, such as
the Lores of Death or the Wild; others very specific, such as that of Tzeentch
or Hashtut. It should be noted that, unlike 40k magic spells, these do not
always automatically bypass armor unless otherwise noted, and effectiveness
will always be modified by that. However all magical attacks and conjurations
are considered of magical prowess, capable of affecting immaterial ghosts and
demons, and of a particularly higher plain of effect than the physically
All spells are listed in
order from weakest and most basic to the strongest, which usually requires
master wizards to successfully cast. Or in the case of a weaker more
ambitiously impatient wizard, more magical power to be available. Just like
Warhammer 40k, this list should not be taken as an all-inclusive nor
exhaustive; there are literally tens of thousands of spells in Warhammer’s
existence. As few are detailed a lot of new the magic of individual lores can be considered by archtype as they share standard rules and archtypes. For example the Lore of Slaanesh is all about temptation and mental willpower, while Tzeentch's relies on physical mutation and madness.
Most Lores of Magic
practiced by any race will have weak, but easily learned and well known spells
known as ‘signature spells’. They are so common that practically every wizard
learning the lore knows them. Other spells are more unique in taste and use,
and it is unlikely and rare to find two wizards in the same army group to know
the same spell.
Magic in Warhammer is
low-inclusion but powerful. This means that most low-end spells in Warhammer
can affect a half or a dozen at once, with medium power one’s going in
affecting dozens and the rare (but not ultra-rare)
high end affecting even hundreds at once! The specific numbers given below are
their official stats in game, but the amount affected can be higher (or weaker)
in lore. However this comes at a cost,
as magic in Warhammer is both harder to control then other fictions and there
are comparably fewer mages. Even for battles where one side has many tens of
thousands, it is rare to see more than a dozen mages in a force. Chaos may have
slightly more mages proportionately then other WF factions, but even then I
would have a hard time seeing a starting force of Chaos exceeding 100 magic
The increased strength
and power of each spell makes it harder to cast, requiring a greater collection
from the Winds of Magic pertaining to that particular lore for its use, though
the more skilled a wizard is, the easier they can absorb and safely cast the
spells. Personal stamina does factor into the amount these wizards can cast
too, and they will find themselves increasingly drained the more they cast .
Potent spells will exhaust them very quickly.
Warcraft Magic
Unlike most forms of
fantasy, Warcraft divides its sources and uses of magic into several categories
that are mostly all completely disconnected and unrelated to each other.
This means its effects and reactions to other forms of magic will create
an inconsistent bend. So remember, these are NOT categories of flavors, types, or lores of the same
form of magic.
As a rule magic in Warcraft is medium-inclusion, but diluted in
power. That means that in Warcraft, magic users are while not common can be
comfortably called “uncommon”. Even for the low numbers Warcraft generally uses
you can clearly see dozens or more in each army, and in game magic users
command a respectable presence. Expect a significant portion of the Alliance’s
starting 50k to be magic users, perhaps as high as (author’s guess based on
observation) 25-30% of that starting force and subsequent reinforcements. Magically enhanced weapons, armor, items and
artifacts, though not common, are nevertheless a feature to be seen on WC
battlefields with some frequency.
However Warcraft magic is diluted, with most non-singular spells affecting a half to a dozen max.Powerful mages may well affect dozens at a time, with very, very rare examples of hundreds existing usually only in heroic, legendary characters. WC magic users can boost their potency slightly via trinkets, enhancement, “charging up” spells in lore or through power transfusion. “Charging up” refers to the process where the magic user conserves his or her power for a while, abstaining from casting, before unleashing a spell that might affect 2-3 times the number it would affect.
Power Transfusion refers to the process where a number of magic users
channel their power into one, usually extremely experienced or skilled, magic
user to greatly boost his power. In the War of the Ancients Trilogy these
enhanced magic users could reliably hit dozens of foes at once. This ability
however comes with many drawbacks, for the channeling wizards become exhausted
very quickly and are all clumped together, making for a very tempting target.
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