Sunday, September 21, 2014


9/21: Nearly done with Talador questline, finished Taint of Erengard.

9/22: Little unfortunately due to homework. Read a little more of Taint of Evil
9/23: Finished 2 more Scourge profiles, other then that work/studied all day. WOD beta was down.
9/24: Read quartero f Brunner the Bounty Hunter, finished Darkfallen and Meat Wagon profiles for Scourge.
9/26: With luck, the Scourge units should be finished by tommorow.
9/21 Preview:
Egil Styrbjorn

Mobility: 4
Training/Experience: 8
Max Range: Melee
Preferred Range: Melee
Role: Tactical Commander
"I am Egil Styrbjorn, High Jarl of the Skaelings, slayer of souls and butchers of immortals. Hear my words! The blood of ten-thousand slaughtered enemies stains my blades. I have bested the nameless horrors of the northern wastes and have walked free to speak the tale. Alone, I speared a great wyrm of the underseas, battling it for a day and night before dragging it ashore and cutting its head from its neck. I have walked the smoking paths of the nightshades and have emerged unharmed. I have strangled Ice Trolls with my bare hands. I have run with the Ulfwerener, hunted with the Ymgir and feasted with the Bloodbeast. I have stood upon the Knife Peaks as the gods threw jagged bolts of lightning down upon me, and defeated one of the great dragon-kin wakened by the storm, cutting its still-beating heart from its chest. This and more have I done, I, Egil Styrbjorn of the Skaelings! Never have I asked for quarter from an enemy, and never have I offered it. Until now."
  Egil Strybjorn is the personification of the dualistic Norse traits of savagery and honor, a chieftain of Khorne who was as known for his skill on the front lines as he was leading from the back. He is a legend among both his people- one of the largest tribes in Norsca- and his enemies. Even before his ascension he was well-known for such feats as destroying a Dragon Ogre Shaggoth in single combat and killing a great serpent under the sea. For years he dominated the scene in Norsca, killing countless would-be challengers. 

In the events of Knight of the Realm he leads a invasion force of tens of thousands of Norscans to Brettonnia, seeking a cursed woman to give him a powerful daemon son for his legacy. His arrival heralded much bloodshed, for Strybjorn hates the weak gods of the South and their followers and desires nothing more to see them destroyed from this world. Multiple atrocities were committed, which resulted in the Brettons mustering 10,000 Knights and far more peasents to acquire vengeance. 

To the surprise and delight of the Brettonians, it appeared that the Skaeling chieftain had no knowledge of tactics, for he chose a flat battlefield where their main force of knights and mounted archers would have great benefit over the grounded Norse force which, with one to be mentioned exception, was nearly entirely bereft of ranged attack. Indeed the battle appeared to be initially a slaughter for the Brettonians, whose 10,000 strong knight force charged as one into the center of the horde, which was composed of mostly lightly armored marauders. 

Unfortunately for them Strybjorn took advantage of their arrogance, their belief that the "honourless Norsicans" would be too stupid to come up with a proper tactic. He placed heavy reserves of Chaos Warriors behind the center of his force to keep the charging knights occupied, while simultaneously moving  hidden flanking forces around both sides. Yet at the same time he ordered his Chaos Dwarf hellcannon to open fire into the massed knights, killing hundreds with every shot. 

The Norscans center, which had been composed of troops made to seem intentionally weak and disorganized from the front, held as the momentum of the Knights failed against the heavily armored wall of thousands of Chaos Warriors. Meanwhile Marauders assaulted the flanks and rear, entrapping the force as Strybjorn himself led a coup de grace into the Knights ranks; three heavily armored and massive 30 feet mammoths.
The result was the near total destruction of the Brettonian army, and a victory that pleased the Chaos Gods themselves. They blessed Strybjorn's attempt to gain a daemon son, and the resulting copulation would have been the end of it had not the Brettonians kidnapped his son and reluctant wife. 

Enraged Stryjborn assaulted their main castle, a keep of such incredible reputation that in the 1500 years its walls had never once been breached. Strybjorn burst it open in a week, taking grievous causalities even to his force but utilizing great cunning. After his Hellcannon was destroyed, Strybjorn noticed that the perpetrators traveled under the water via magical means, and that more importantly the ford they  traveled along with only 30 feet deep. Stryjborn ordered a general assault at the same time sending infiltrators up through the latrine chute to seize control of a vital tower to open a causeway. With this opened, the Norse cheiftan had his mammoths travel directly along the ford (for they were tall enough to put feet at the bottom and still be able to breathe at the top), surprising the Brettonians by emerging from the water to batter down their gates. Dragonships full of Beserkers prevented the defenders from effectively responding to the threat and with the gates destroyed the Brettonians were forced to retreat to the keep. 

Then his son was born, and such was the power of it that its birth caused everyone to briefly cringe in their very souls. All except Stryjborn, who was just happy to finally have a son. Sensing that the defenders would kill the babe out of spite if he assaulted the keep, the Norse chieftain proposed a duel with the Grail Knight Relous. If the Norse won, his son would be handed to him and they would leave. If the Grail Knight won then Stryjborn would be dead and the Norse would retreat anyway. 

This caused bewilderment and even anger among his followers, and Stryjborn first had to kill the most vocal of them, a Chaos Dwarf named Zummah, in a separate duel.  Then came the main event. The duel with the Grail Knight Relous was long and brutal, with the Brettonnian boasting superior speed and finesse while the Norscan had power and durability. Indeed the latter was actually disembowled and had his hand cut off in battle, but ultimately through sheer strength of will prevailed. Relous was disembowled and the babe reluctantly handed over. 

Stryjborn honored the agreement and left the Brettonians that day, but has vowed to return in the future, to bring final destruction to their people. 

Offensive: Garmr and Gormr: The twin hellforged battle-axes of the High Jarl of Strovengaard; ancient daemon weapons forged in the realms beyond flesh in honour of the bloody wolves said to accompany Khorne the Blood God on his wild hunts across the heavens, which drive the sun to cower and flee before the god's fury, creating the alternation of night and day in Norscan mythology. The axe heads are thus forged in the likeness of howling wolves, and are heavy with infernal power, possessing the captured essences of Bloodthirsters. Inset into their hafts are red stones the colour of blood, which serve as the eyes of the wolves. These gems burn with unholy power as the axes taste the blood of Styrbjorn's enemies, wailing and screaming with delight as they kill. The mighty weapons are capable of splitting fully armoured men in two from crown to sternum, and in Styrbjorn's hands can deliver truly mighty blows. He also has two throwing axes and when not dueling rides into battle on a Mammoth. 

Defensive: Chaos Armor and blessings. Is durable enough to survive disembowlment. 

===Additional Factors===
A vision by one of the main characters seems to imply that Styrbjorn is on the crusp of daemonhood. 


Adaptive Creativity: 80/100: Frequently displays creative solutions to his battles, whether it be encircling the Brettonians or having Mammoths travel underwater. 

Tactics: 77/100: Though often taking terrible causalities in his desire to win battles, he has won  every battle he is shown to have fought in the novel. And won using brilliant tactics too, like a Cannae style encirclement. 

Strategy: 61/100: Thanks to his limited vision his strategy is somewhat lacking, but he nevertheless composed a overall plan to lure huge Brettonian armies to a field of his choosing. 

Intuition: 52/100: Though adept at turning bad situations around, he nevertheless is often suprised at first by the actions of his enemy. 

Audacity: 87/100: Has no problem sending  large numbers of his men, even his daughters, to their deaths if it means he can achieve victory. Indeed the Norse religon believes there is much glory to be won in battle. The only thing he wasn't willing to risk is that of his son and legacy. 

Psychological Warfare: 66/100: Styrbjorn enjoys destroying enemy religious symbols, priests and elements of  culture, believing them all  worthy of only destruction. He also gruesomely kills those who don't fight. 

Experience: 70/100: 

Discipline: 65/100: Despite being one of Khorne's chosen, Strybjorn generally is pretty calm and does not blink to sending copius amounts of men to their glorious death, or for a upset to suddenly claim great causalities. 

Inspiration: 77/100: Revered by his troops as a warrior-king who leads by example. Thus far, his troops have never retreated except when ordered and gleefully fought to the death. 

Corruption: 82/100: Willing and eager to engage in countless atrocities to attract the god's attention, including indiscriminate butchery, rape, and defilement of women and children. However unlike most Norse he respects bravery and courage, and will give those who fight relatively quick deaths. He will also respect and honor a deal once commited to it. 


Mobility: 4-5
Training: 4-5 
Max Range: Bow
Preferred Range: Bow
Role: Burrowing Invaders, Anti-air
Nerubians are a race of spiders that were conquered by the Lich King shortly before he rose to try and conquer the world. Though a small portion of the race still survives to wage unending war against their greatest foe, now the vast majority of this race has been resurrected and serves the Lich King unquestionably. They exist in an odd sort of duality as both specialists and front-line troops.

Nerubians come in several different variants. There are swift  dwarf-sized flying types that dart from the skies to tear ground units with fang and claw. Spiderlings are smaller still, barely up to the knee but very fast and agile. They erupt from eggs and even the bodies of slain Nerubians to outnumber and rend apart enemies, sometimes armed with claws that excel in penetrating armor. However by far the most common variant is the Crypt Fiend.

This spider utilizes and summons swarms of fast eating locust-like insects for ranged combat, ordering them to return once the enemy is dead. They can also use their thoraxes to spin webs and shoot them out Spiderman style, entangling and immobilizing foes. If used against flying foes this sticky substance weighs them down and adheres to their wings, causing them to crash from the sky. They can then be set upon  and torn apart by the Scourge’s ground forces. In this way the Scourge has a counter to the powerful gyrocopters of the Alliance, many variants of the Red Dragonflight, and other flying creatures. Obviously this probably wouldn’t work on something massive, like the largest dragons or gunships, but it’s nevertheless a potent answer that the Scourge has to flyers. 
Offensive: Against ground foes the Crypt Fiend deploys swarms of fast eating insects(spiders, locusts, scarabs ect)  to swarm over the foe at range, and have claws and spiky legs for closer quarters. Sometimes these insects or attacks might carry poison with them. It also has the option to utilize webs at range, primarily as a anti-flying deterrent, to entangle, slow, immobilize(causing those flying to crash to the ground), even crush .   Rarely, one of them might know minor life stealing shadow spells or basic necromancy. The Flying and spiderling variants use claws and teeth.  
Defense: Hard, Iron-like Insectoid Chitin. In addition to natural durability for being undead. 

Nerubians are burrowers, and can both lie in ambush before erupting to kill or even create underground tunnels to dig under enemy defenses.  Note the Heroic variants of the Nerubians shall be detailed in another profile. 

Reading List:
Required Reading for Undead Legion vs. Scourge
-Undead Legion
--Rise of Nagash (3 books)
--Heldenhammer (Sigmar series)
--Von Carstein Series (3 books)
--Sigmar's Blood (both novel and campaign book)
--Return of Nagash (to be reread...which means done at a faster pace)
--Vampire Genieve
--Ulrika Series (2/3 done)
--Vampireslayer (reread)
--Zombieslayer (reread)
--Tomb of the Serphent Queen
--Blade of Chaos (reread Tomb King Scene)
--Gildead's Curse
--Curse of the Necrarch
--Blighted Empire
--Luthor Huss
--Liber Necris
--FFG books (2-3)
--Codexes (most already read, but will go over)
--Numerous Short stories
-Undead Scourge
--Arthas: Rise of the Lich King
--Blood of the Highborne
--Short Stories
-All Chaos Champion novels (6)
-Gildead's Blood
-Road of Skulls
-Knights of Brettonia (2)
-Sigmar Series (2)
-Broken Honour
-Tyrion and Teclis Series (3)
-Already mentioned Nagash Returns
-Heart of Chaos trilogy (3)
-Storm of Magic series (3)
-Wood Elf Trilogy (3)
-Defenders of Ulthuan (2)
-Swords of the Empire (2)
-Knights of the Blazing Sun
-Riders of the Dead
-Blackhearts omnibus (5)
-Guardians of the Forest
-Malus Darkblade Chronicles (5)
-The Corrupted
-Old War Beastiary
-Tome of Corruption (FFG)
-Liber Estacia, Carnagia, Mutatis, Infectus (4- FFG)
-Tamurkhan Campaign supplement
-Storm of Magic and Monsterous Arcanium (2)
-Liber Chaotica
-Witch Hunter's Guide
-Many, many codexes and Short stories

War of the Ancients (3)
Last Guardian
Tides of Darkness
Beyond the Black Portal
Day of the Dragon
Of Blood and Honor
Lord of the Clans
Arthas: Rise of the Lich King
Cycle of Hatred
Night of the Dragon
The Shattering
Thrall: Twilight of the Aspects
Tides of War
Voljin: Shadows of the Horde
Dawn of the Aspects
War Crimes
Numerous Short stories, manga, comics, and of course the utterly immense game.
Whats left for Chaos to read:
-Angelika Fleischer series (3)
-Brunner the Bounty Hunter (3)
-Konrad Series (3) 
-Stefan Kumanksy (3 - 1 done)
- Finish Mark of Chaos
-Mark of Damnation
-Mark of Heresy
-Mathias Thulman, Witch Hunter (3)
-Wine of Dreams
-Finish Death's Journey

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